Light arrow SS13

The light arrow SS 15 has a more visible symbol of cross consisting of 9 lamps

Light arrow is a signalling device used for maintenance vehicles, gritters, road sweepers, marking vehicles and trailers, or it can be used for indicating road works and the direction of its drive-around. This light arrow is also described as Light arrow and cross type B, warning arrow or signalling arrow.

  • 13 halogen lamps ø200mm EN 12352 L8H
  • electronics automatically reduce lamp luminous intensity at night and includes reverse polarity protection
  • moreover, the electronics protect the battery from deep discharge by disconnecting the light arrow symbols depending on the current battery status
  • remote control with 15m cable for control and optical check of the function modes
  • the light arrow has the following modes: arrow to the left, arrow to the right and cross
  • all operational information are clearly displayed on the remote control
  • standard 10m power supply cable to be installed on the vehicle (upon request, 4m power supply cable with battery clips)
  • light arrow can easily be attached to a profile with a maximal width 40mm

Technical data

Power supply 12/24V=
Current consumption 12V= day 5,6A     night 3,4A
Average consumption 12V= 108Ah / 24 hours
Current consumption 24V= day 3,1A     night 1,9A
Average consumption 24V= 60Ah / 24 hours
Flashing frequency 44/min.
Dimensions (WxHxL) 986x1013x171mm
Weight 20,7kg


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